From Eli:
I have been very lucky to train at goperformance and I have noticed major changes. I have become faster, healthier and overall more energized. In addition to my performance improvements, I have gained 15 pounds of muscle. Goperformance has made me faster and stronger. In addition to that it has done miracles for my mindset as well. Training there has given my confidence a massive boost. I believe that confidence and newfound will drastically improve my wresting season. If I had to describe goperformance in three words it would be – Safe. Helpful. Challenging.
From Eli’s Parents:
What made you decide to send Eli to goperformance?
We wanted Eli to learn to challenge himself physically and also be enthusiastic about setting goals for himself. My own experience at Go Performance led me to believe it was the perfect place for him to develop a healthy fitness philosophy that will hopefully stay with him forever.
What improvements have you noticed since he’s been training?
I’ve noticed Eli take more ownership over following healthy eating habits that will energize him for his workouts.
Describe the culture of training at goperformance.
Eli greatly respects his trainers at Go Performance and always tries to meet the challenges set before him. The training he has received has bolstered his self-confidence and encourages him to persevere in setting personal goals.
From Coach Noah
One of the coolest things about Eli is his commitment level, consistency level and his work ethic. For a kid that age, that is admirable.
From Coach Chris
Eli’s transformation has been amazing. He came in with barely any confidence and now he has a ton of confidence. He went from being untrained and coming in on his own to do extra work. He really went the extra mile and he experienced a true lifestyle change.
From Coach Lane
It was apparent that Eli, himslef made the choice to improve. He took ownership for his performance and his training. I think he has made a lifestyle change that will stick with him far beyond his training here. I am proud of his accomplishments and for the confidence that he exudes when he comes to the gym.