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Deadlift Series – Video 4

Jan 14, 2020

Video 4 – Deadlift Series: Stability with Hip Hinge Movements –
If you have checked the first two boxes and you are certain that form nor mobility are hindering your deadlifts, then it might be an issue of stability. You might have issues keeping your back neutral. There are a few ways to train that to get it stronger. Here’s exercise one.

Eccentric RDL with Isometric Hold – using a DB, maintain a flat back, hips hinge and go until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings. Hips go back behind the heels. Eccentric RDL’s – 6-8 second descent. Isometric RDL’s – hold at the bottom position where there is max tension for 6-8 seconds. After eccentric and isometrics over the course of 2-3 weeks, move to regular DB RDL’s.